Monday, May 5, 2008

Offer: Free Garden Stuff

Available to a good home:

- plastic pots of various sizes
... most are "starter pots" that are good for starting seeds

- TAKEN PPU (SB): philodendron starts
... indoor plant starts; already rooted
... can also be put in pots in the shade for summer and brought indoors in the fall

- TAKEN: tiger lilies (orange)
... plants with bulbs; we'll dig when you come to get them;
... though it's not the best time to move them, we've never had trouble doing it now

- TAKEN PPU (SB): chives
... we'd love to divide & share some of our clumps of chive plants

- TAKEN: tomato seedlings (cherry & roma)
... we've already bought our plants; but these showed up as volunteers
... these might be yellow pear, red cherry (sweet millions), or roma tomatoes

- TAKEN: tomato seedlings (yellow pear- small ones!)
... we've already bought our plants; but these showed up as volunteers
... think these are yellow pear, but could be red cherry (sweet millions), or romas ???

- TAKEN: marigold seeds
... harvested last year
... mostly yellow, but some orange; no way of knowing which are which color

- TAKEN PPU (TK): lily of the valley
... we'd love to share the plants that have popped up outside their bed

- lilac starts (white)
... we'd love to share some of the starts that have popped up around our lilac "tree"

- TAKEN PPU (JB & DMB): daffodil bulbs (yellow)
... available after the leaves die, we'll need to thin our bulbs & will have some to share

If you are interested,
please email us at bethany and karl [at] hotmail {dot} com
-- please omit spaces and brackets



Olive said...

ill take chives, and cherry & roma seedlings

KarlandBethany said...

ok- I emailed you w/ details.