Tuesday, March 17, 2009

End of the farmers market for us all?

Below is an email I just sent off to Laura Zimmerman, who heads up the Clintonville Farmers Market. Because this concerns so much of us, especially those with a heart for redistributing our food to those in need, I thought I'd post a copy of it here.

I recently read about House Resolution 875, that while in its infancy I must admit scared the bejesus out of me! I feel it could threaten the very fabric of our community's ties to locally grown food not to mention what I deeply believe is out right to grow, distribute, and purchase food of our choosing. I thought you might be interested, if you don't already know about it, in reading a little about it and watch it's developments.

Here is a link about the resolution (here is another) and here is one to track it's progress through legislation.

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